Applications in the Cloud

Next Generation Combos & Featured Apps

Reclaim Cloud offers the Reclaim Hosting community one-click access to a wide-range of open source technologies that previously would have required a virtual private server with a customized technology stack. Thanks to container-based technology you can be up and running with a custom Docker container for your course, research project, or personal use within seconds. Check out a few of our favorite applications below:

Reclaim’s Featured Apps


The next generation digital learning environment is so much more than a single vendor-driven tool provided by your institution. On Reclaim Cloud you can create environments to collaborate with students on open source software.


Non-profits and small businesses have no shortage of options for managing groups today, but sadly too many of them come with large fees and closed environments. On Reclaim Cloud you build an open-source infrastructure for your group that you own and control.

Digital Scholarship

Digital scholarship and data science research often means casting a wide net of tools and resources. The hosting needs can vary wildly. On Reclaim Cloud you have an extensive toolbox to build out your academic projects.


Curious about another application that isn’t featured is the above list? Let us know in the Reclaim Cloud Forums!